Lil Bird Music in Preschool
with Teacher Lakshmi
Early childhood music is an important stage in a child's life and does so much more for your child's overall development than just the wonderful joy of learning music. It's important to have someone knowledgable, loving, inspired, and kind in such an important and joyful role. Teacher Lakshmi has just the right mix of skill, passion, presence and knowledge. She spends time learning every Child's name because she knows the importance of personally directed interaction for ultimate engagement and growth. It is her honor to serve these precious littles.
Cognitive brain development
Language skills
Maths skills
Memory, attention, &
Increased coordination
Spatial awareness
Body control
Achievement & discipline
Social & relational skills
The joy of music
Relieves Stress
Stimulates the Immune System
Increases endorphins
Develops a sense of belonging &

Elements of a Lil Bird Music Class
The most important thing for a young child’s musical development is musical immersion, but the kind of immersion that is developmentally appropriate for their age, and also attuned to the variety of learning styles that different children have. In Lil Bird Music Classes, I aim to offer children and their bright, flexible minds, and their big open hearts a wide variety of musical experiences. And I support them in learning, without forcing, in a way that is suited to each of their particular styles of learning.
While it would not be developmentally appropriate at this young stage of learning to focus on formal music lessons, there are hidden elements of music theory & music learning strategically embedded in the PLAY and JOY of every music class, to assist leading a child to Basic Music Competence (the ability to hold a simple steady beat, and sing a simple melody in key) by the age of 6.
Primarily what is being expressed is Rhythm and Melody.
Each category has many angles and modes that they get expressed through:
Different rhythmic meters
6/8 (feels like waltz or swing),
4/4 (most standard rhythm of much of western music)
odd meters such as 5/8, 7/8, 10/8 (which is more typical of world music, such as Mid-Eastern, or Indian)
Keeping the BEAT - the steady rhythmic pulse of any music
Rhythm Patterns - an easy pattern of beats that play on top of the
rhythmic pulse
Levels of Beat - the big beat, medium- paced beat, the little, fast-paced beat
• Melody is made up of scale, key, pitch & tone
Major Key - Has a bright, up-beat feel to it
Minor Key - typically has a lowered 3rd and feels more moody, and
sometimes even sad
Unusual keys such as Phygian or Dorian - sometimes used in western music, but more common to music from other cultures
Tonal Patterns - patterns of pitches sung after a song, picked from the melody to help the child learn by ear the building blocks of melody which are ‘pitch intervals’ (how two notes relate to each other) and
‘harmony’ (how two notes sound when played at the same time)
Chant - a song which has words and rhythm but no melody (easier to focus on
rhythm) -
SWOW - or Songs Without Words, is sung with syllables such as "la la la". This helps a childs mind be able to absorb and focus on the melody more specifically, and not have to think about words
Instrument Play - begin learn to make music with something outside of ourselves. Respect for instruments is key
Vocal Play - Singing in more expanded ways with the use of ‘Ostinato’ or parts-singing, harmony, & singing in rounds
Large Movements - get the children up off of their feet and experiencing the beat with their whole bodies
Small Movements - usually sitting in place, focusing perhaps on learning melodies or how to use your hands with the song
Finger play - small movements done with the hands and fingers to help develop fine motor skills
Contrast - Children learn by sensing one thing different than another, so we are always putting fast next to slow, high next to low, Quiet/loud, etc.
Audiation - Being able to hear a melody, or phrase of music in our heads when its no longer being played is a part of music learning. Sometimes the music teacher will leave a word or phrase off and let the children finish it from what they hear in their head
SQ - Silly Quotient - There must be a certain amount of silliness in every class because children learn best by Play, Laughter and FUN!!
Oopsie! - Oopsie can be a part of every class. Its when we make a mistake, and we want to acknowledge it without shame or judgment. A way of normalizing the benefits of trial and error. That its ok to take risks and its ok to make mistakes. Mistakes are a part of any great learning
World Music - When children are young, they have no preconceived notions of what makes “good” music. At this stage it is great to introduce children to all flavors & cultures, rhythm, scales, keys and melodies so they can grow up with a rich musical context and be at choice about what they love and the music they want to make in the future.
Children usually have a particular way of learning that is unique to them. Some typical learning styles are audial, visual, & kinesthetic. These different styles all require the child to follow their natural impulses for learning.
The Visual Learner - takes in everything visually. They might sit really close to the teacher or grown-up and watch the teacher's mouth really closely and engage in finger play a lot.
The Auditory Learner - might, in class, be wandering around looking at different things but taking things in with their ears, being very quiet in class, but blossom in singing and expressing at home, or once class is over.
The Kinesthetic Learner - might be running around during classes, bouncing and jumping up and down but taking everything in through
their bodies.
Each of these learning styles are completely appropriate for your child’s age.
These are just some of the many hidden treasures embedded in every joyful, playful, highly interactive Lil Bird Music Class.